Program Spotlight FAQs

Program Spotlight FAQs

What is the Program Spotlight?

It is an ORF-SIG, member-only feature that allows one or more orthopaedic residency/fellowship programs to be Spotlighted within a given month to market themselves to prospective candidates and those seeking more information on post professional education in orthopaedics. Additionally, programs will also be spotlighting individual faculty and/or residents/fellows-in-training as good-will ambassadors of their respective programs.

What are the benefits to being Spotlighted?

Programs that are Spotlighted advance the exposure and interest in post professional orthopaedic physical therapy programs across the country, thus bolstering their program’s sustainability. Furthermore, by providing important, decision-making details about their program a prospective candidate can make a better-informed decision about which program may be a good fit for them.

Who is eligible to apply?

Program coordinators or Program directors may apply for their program as long as they meet the following pre-application criteria:

  • The program must be ABPTRFE or ACOMPTE accredited or in Candidate status.
  • The Program Director or Coordinator must be a member of the AOPT and ORF-SIG.
  • The Program Director or Coordinator must have a specialization in Orthopaedics

How are entries selected for Spotlighting?

All application materials submitted by the deadline for a given month will be reviewed by the Selection Committee for completeness and a secondary review by AOPT Board liaison and ORF-SIG president. Programs that satisfactorily pass review are emailed a confirmatory message with the month they will be Spotlighted.

What is the Selection Committee?

The Selection Committee is composed of 2-3 members of the ORF-SIG, providing oversight to minimize selection bias and provide as fair of a process for all interested parties. Appointments will occur yearly and filled on a voluntary basis from other ORF-SIG members. Are you interested in becoming involved? Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey here

How can I apply?

  • STEP 1: Complete the Program Spotlight Interest Form here.
  • STEP 2: Complete the Program Spotlight Application Form here by the deadline (see below).
  • STEP 3: Await verification from the Selection Committee that your application is complete and has been approved. If so, confirmation of your Spotlight month will be sent via email to the individual who completed the application

What are the deadlines?

Programs wishing to participate must submit their application materials through the Google Form to the Spotlight Selection Committee by the first of the month at a minimum of two months in advance of the actual month in which they desire to be spotlighted. For example, programs wishing to be included in March must submit materials by January 1.

When does the monthly Program Spotlight take place?

Social media dissemination of Spotlight entries will take place within the first week of each month and will occur officially on AOPT and ORF-SIG channels.

What social media platforms are used to Spotlight programs?

If I want to include a video with my application, what are the specifications?

  • Submit videos that are no longer than 3 minutes in length. 
  • You may choose to use a webcam, cell phone, tablet, or similar to record your video.
  • Please submit your video in mp4 format.
  • If you use a hand-held device to record your video, consider propping the device on a stable area to avoid recording a “shaky” recording, or ask someone to record the video for you.
  • Make sure your background is clear, avoiding cluttered spaces. A plain wall tends to work best.
  • Be sure to review your video before submitting it to the AOPT office. Make sure lighting is bright, and you are easily heard.

Can I decide when I want my program Spotlighted?

Yes, you will indicate the month of preferred Spotlighting in two places: the Application File and within the Google Form you use to submit materials.

Whom do I contact if I have questions?

Should you have any further questions about the Program Spotlight please do not hesitate to contact the Selection Committee at movethrurehab@gmail.com.