What Else Do I Need to Know about Residency and Fellowship Education?

What Else Do I Need to Know about Residency and Fellowship Education?

When considering different programs, it’s important to look at what will work best for you and your long-term goals. We have provided some Key elements to consider:

  • Setting: Hospital, private-practice, distance-based/hybrid, university
  • Duration: Annual commitment or opportunity for long term employment
  • Mentorship: mentor selection, frequency of mentorship, number of mentors, on/offsite
  • Faculty: Methods of education, backgrounds, research
  • Learning style: Live onsite or distant education
  • Teaching opportunities: Grad school, Continuing Education
  • Reduced Salary or Tuition: May differ based on the model of each program

Other Resources

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Directory of Residency and Fellowship Programs: https://accreditation.abptrfe.org/#/directory

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ABPTRFE’s website: