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Student EC Leaders:

Chair: Carolina Marrero Rodriguez, PT, DPT
Vice Chair: Emmanuel Jackson, SPT

Purpose Description:

The AOPT Student Engagement Community (SEC) is a group for student physical therapists and student physical therapist assistants interested in orthopaedic physical therapy. This group provides a collaborative platform for students to gather, network, and discuss with like-minded peers the benefits of engagement in AOPT and APTA early in our academic and professional careers. As ambassadors of physical therapy, student members of the AOPT SEC provide a means of support and empowerment for all students and new clinicians in the field through evidence-based practice. We strive to bring pertinent and timely resources to students through virtual and physical spaces to ensure that engagement with this community is palpable for all. The SEC serves as a bridge between the AOPT and students to optimize authenticity, relatability, and inclusivity.